News Stories

February 5, 2025

Ms. Kenney's January 31 Newsletter

Dear Swift Families,

Thank you for a great return to the new year. We are well into Term 2 and back into the swing of all things learning! As always, please connect with your child’s teacher with any wonders or curiosities you might have.

January 21, 2025

Ms. Kenney's January 17 Newsletter

Dear Swift Families,

Thank you for a great return to the new year. We are well into Term 2 and back into the swing of all things learning! As always, please connect with your child’s teacher with any wonders or curiosities you might have.

Kindergarten Registration – Begins Monday January 20th at 8:30 am

It's hard to believe, but it is time for Kindergarten registration! If you have a child who is turning 5 in 2025 (born in 2020), this is the time to sign them up for Kindergarten!

January 7, 2025

Ms. Kenney's Welcome Back 2025

Dear Swift Families,

Happy New Year! We hope that you had a wonderful holiday, we can’t wait to hear about all the memories that we were made and are excited to see everyone tomorrow.

dark blue background with Fraser Health logo Fraser Health Banner 2
January 2, 2025

Child and youth mental health

The guide to child and mental health is brought to you by Fraser Health.

Support your child’s mental health

Mental health is a key component of healthy child and youth development, and also has an impact on their relationships and their performance in school.

How can parents support positive mental health?

dark blue background with Fraser Health logo Fraser Health Banner 2
December 20, 2024

Holiday Greetings from Swift

Dear Swift Families,

This will be the last bit of school news sent home for 2024! It is hard to believe! Thank you for your continued support, we couldn’t do what we do every day without the support of parents and families.

From all of us to all of you we would like to wish your families a wonderful holiday season – regardless of what holiday you celebrate, we certainly hope it is one filled with love, laughter, and memories to last a lifetime. Relax, rest up, stay healthy, we will see you in 2025!


December 6, 2024

Ms. Kenney's December 5 Newsletter

Dear Swift Families,

Here we are, December – a busy and exciting month with so many festive activities taking place, a huge thank you to all those making them all happen!

December 4, 2024

November Star Students!

A big Congratulations to our November Star Students whose certificates are on the wall for the month of December! Way to go!

dark blue background with Fraser Health logo Fraser Health Banner 2
December 3, 2024

Your healthy winter guide 2024/25

The guide to winter health is brought to you by Fraser Health.

Keeping your child healthy during winter

As the chilly winter season is upon us, there’s a few extra things you can do to help keep your children healthy and well. Navigate this season with these essential tips.

Bundle up for the cold

dark blue background with Fraser Health logo Fraser Health Banner 2