School Supplies
Grade K to 5 Supply Lists for the 2024-25 have been loaded and are ready to order!
Nature K students can purchase their outdoor clothing at any time, (see list below) however, be sure to keep the tags on the items and receipts on hand until teachers have approved them. We want to keep our Nature kids warm and dry in all weather.
We have a contract with a company called "SchoolStart" which offers school supply kits. You can find the lists below. The Grades 1 - 5 lists are set up with two sections. The items on the top section tend to be used up year to year and need to be purchased on an annual basis. The items on the bottom section are items you may have purchased in past years and can be reused. If you DO NOT have these items, they also need to be purchased. ALL items from both sections need to be brought to school in September. You may also purchase these supplies at any store. Please pay attention to Brand names as these are the items that are proven to work best.
Be sure to read the SchoolStart Ordering Info Page for fun contest details.
Ordering Through SchoolStart - simple and fast
Ordering can be done 3 ways:
- ONLINE on the SchoolStart website www.schoolstart.ca
- By phone 1-800-580-1868
- By E-mail - print off the appropriate form below, fill it in clearly and completely and send it to info@schoolstart.ca
Payment can be made by Credit Card or Cheque on the SchoolStart website.
We do NOT accept any orders at the school. All orders will be sent to your home at no shipping cost.
If you have questions about ordering , please contact SchoolStart directly at 1-800-580-1868 or email them at info@schoolstart.ca
There is NO deadline for ordering and no late fees.
How to Order
Log in as a Parent with your password from last year or, if you forgot it, you can "reset" your password. If you are new to ordering, you will need to make a Parent Account. Once you are in, click the "Click Here to Purchase Your School Kits" and then follow the prompts to find the school name "Dr. Thomas A Swift. Select your Grade and fill in the online form. Remember that all items on the lists are required but if you already have some of the items on the bottom portion of the order form, you can change or delete the quantity before you hit the Submit button. If you have questions, you can contact SchoolStart at info@schoolstart.ca .
All school supplies will be delivered at no cost to your home. Please be sure to fill in your home address clearly and completely.
Labelling Supplies
Please label all your school supplies, waterbottles, shoes, jackets and other clothing items you do not want to lose. Please be sure to keep your supplies in a safe place for September.
Nature K and Nature 1 Clothing Supply List
If your child is entering Nature Kindergarten or Nature Gr. 1, use the Nature Clothing List to purchase the extra items needed for outdoor classrooms. Please see your Gradual Entry Information (sent out in the beginning of July) for more info.