Out of Catchment
Students who are attending Dr. T. A. Swift but live Out of Catchment (School Locator Link) MUST complete the Out of Catchment form to stay at Swift on an annual basis. This process starts on the First School Day in February (Feb 1, 2024). Parents must fill in the Out of Catchment form and submit it to the Swift Office before February 20, 2024. You can submit it via paper copy or via digital copy. Forms received prior to the first day will not be accepted. Forms received after the last day will be put on a deferred list until June.
Out of Catchment forms need to be signed and approved by your catchment school prior to being handed in.
All students who are currently attending Swift and are out of catchment will receive a letter and a paper copy of the form in January to remind you to register for Out of Catchment. If you have moved Out of Catchment during the school year, you need to update your address with the office and then you will be included in the Out of Catchment reminder.