Holiday Greetings from Swift
Dear Swift Families,
This will be the last bit of school news sent home for 2024! It is hard to believe! Thank you for your continued support, we couldn’t do what we do every day without the support of parents and families.
From all of us to all of you we would like to wish your families a wonderful holiday season – regardless of what holiday you celebrate, we certainly hope it is one filled with love, laughter, and memories to last a lifetime. Relax, rest up, stay healthy, we will see you in 2025!
Food Bank Collection – Thank you!
While the holiday season can be an exciting one for many, for some it comes with its challenges. As a community we made an incredible donation to the Food Bank filling the better part of 2 bins and donating over $800.00!
Christmas Concert – Thank You!
What a wonderful concert and time to celebrate as a community! To have our students up performing is no small feat – a huge thank you to our teachers for all their work preparing for the concert.
Thanks to the parents who set up and took down the stage and chairs. We appreciated the many hands that made it a manageable task!
Quick Hitting Reminders for the New Year:
Bring your rain/winter gear!! – our winter weather is here! Please send outdoor gear to keep kids warm and dry. We do not have enough clothes to help mud puddle accidents – only bathroom accidents!
Parking and Being Good Neighbours - while we understand that parking can be tricky – we must be good neighbours! Please ensure you are:
- Not blocking driveways in the cul-del-sacs or on nearby roads.
- Not double parking in the cul-de-sacs
- Not parking in the Drop-Off Lane
- Following all City Bylaws and speed limits – there are school zones (30km/h) in both cul-de-sacs!
Upcoming Important Dates in December & January:
December 21 – January 5 – Winter Break
January 6 – School Re-opens – Please let us know if your child will be away today – Safe Arrival, Attendance phone line or email.