
Ms. Kenney's January 31 Newsletter

February 5, 2025

Dear Swift Families,

Thank you for a great return to the new year. We are well into Term 2 and back into the swing of all things learning! As always, please connect with your child’s teacher with any wonders or curiosities you might have.

Parking in the cul-de-sacs at pick up and drop off has been exceptionally chaotic the past couple of weeks with cars parked in no parking zones, cars double parking, and cars blocking driveways and cross walks. As the adults, it is our responsibility to teach our kids both patience and the importance of following posted and known traffic rules. We can do better! Please know that neighbours who have called with concerns have been encouraged to contact the City By-Law office. Please consider using the drop-off and pick-up lane, parking a little further away, or walking to school. Parking 101 ideas and instructions are posted on the school website.

Safe Arrival

Thank you for continuing to use Safe Arrival to report student absences. It makes our mornings much more efficient when you do. Please go to our website for a link and instructions. If you are unable to report your absence this way, please call the office (604-853-7730) and follow the prompts, or email the office.

Kindergarten Registration is Ongoing

If you have a child who is turning 5 in 2025 (born in 2020), this is the time to sign them up for Kindergarten! There is a lot of information and different ways to register, please see our website, for all this information.

Please spread the word around the community - the sooner families register, the better. It is very helpful having accurate numbers when we begin planning for next year. We are looking forward to welcoming the next class of Kindergarteners to Swift!

Out of Catchment – February 3

Those students who live outside of the Swift catchment, have to complete the Out of Catchment process if they wish to stay here next year. This is an annual process. The Out of Catchment forms have been sent home. Please complete the steps listed on the letter, including the signature of your catchment school principal, before returning your form.

If your address has changed since September, please ensure you update the office.

Parent Teacher Interviews & Early Dismissal

February 19th and 20th   are Parent Teacher Interviews. This is a great opportunity to meet your child’s teacher, learn how the year is going and set goals for the second half of the school year. On interview days students will be dismissed at 11:45.

Interviews can be booked online, starting Monday February 10th. Information on how to set up an account can be found here.  Interview times are:
Wednesday, February 19th - 12:45 pm - 2:30 pm (end of last appointment) and 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm (end of last appointment).
Thursday, February 20th - 12:45 pm - 2:30 pm (end of last appointment).

Strong Start!

Strong Start is inside at Swift all week until after Spring Break! Nature Thursdays return at Bateman Park in April! We look forward to seeing everyone at Strong Start!

Lost and Found

The latest batch of lost and found has been posted to the website– please check and see if anything belongs at your house! There are MANY wonderful items that are missing their home. The items posted will be donated over Family Day weekend in February.

It is RAINY (and maybe snowy!) Season!

We would like to remind all families that we go outside even on the rainy days. Please be sure to dress students for the weather in the morning – boots, raincoats, umbrellas, and maybe even hats and mitts on the cooler days. Please don’t think “but it’s sunny” and decide to send them without – the weather changes far too quickly to take that risk!

Also, please make sure that there are ‘extras’ in their backpack – pants and socks are often victims of puddles and other wet tumbles. We simply do not have enough extras to meet the needs at school. An extra set or 2 in the backpack make for some much happier days!

PAC News

We had a GREAT time at the Abbotsford Canucks Game! Thank you to all that bought tickets and came to support the Canucks AND the PAC! We made $925, with all proceeds going right back to the kids!

Do you want a kid-free evening and also not have to navigate Valentine's Day dinner reservations? We got you covered! Have your Swift kids join us on Friday February 7thfor a PJ Night in the gym from 5pm-8pm. The cost is $20 per child and can be purchased on the Hot Lunch site. Each ticket covers 3 hours of childcare, 2 slices of pizza, popcorn, and juice! Tickets selling fast!

Panago coupons still available! $14 per coupon redeemable for 1 medium pizza - with any toppings you'd like! $4 from each ticket sold goes back to the PAC. Sell to family and friends, it's a great deal!

CARNIVAL is coming up! Our first planning meeting is February 11 @ 6pm in the library. Help of ALL kinds needed! Following the Carnival meeting will be our regular PAC Meeting @ 7:00. We hope to see you there!

Keep up to date with all things PAC at

Important Dates for the next 2 weeks – see calendar – for updates:

3 – Out of Catchment Process begins
4 – December Star Student Celebration
5 – Skittle Ball Games – schedule here
7 – Div. 5 & 9 – Field Trip – Skating
7 – PAC PJ Night
11 – Choir – Field Trip – Choral Festival
11 – PAC Carnival Planning Meeting @ 6:00 & PAC Meeting @ 7:00
12 – Gr. 5 Indigenous Students – Field Trip – Drum Making
12 – Skittle Ball – schedule here
14 – Non Instructional Day – No School