Ms. Kenney's Welcome Back 2025
Dear Swift Families,
Happy New Year! We hope that you had a wonderful holiday, we can’t wait to hear about all the memories that we were made and are excited to see everyone tomorrow.
If you are extending vacation or have sick kids, please don’t forget to log absences on SafeArrival, emailing the office, or calling the school (604-853-7730). Reporting early is very helpful for us and our morning routines!
A couple of quick reminders to get us through this week.
It is RAINY (and who knows what else!) Season!
While there are many days we can all be thankful the weather is not freezing cold like in other parts of Canada, there are just as many where we complain about how wet it is! The rainy season is here. We would like to remind all families that we go outside even on the rainy days. Please be sure to dress students for the weather in the morning – boots, raincoats, umbrellas, and maybe even hats and mitts on the cooler days. Please don’t think “but it’s sunny” and decide to send them without – the weather changes far too quickly to take that risk!
Also, please make sure that there are ‘extras’ in their backpack – pants and socks are often victims of puddles and other wet tumbles. We simply do not have enough extras to meet the needs at school. An extra set or 2 in the backpack make for some much happier days!
Lost and Found
The latest batch of lost and found has been posted to the website– please check and see if anything belongs at your house! There are MANY wonderful items that are missing their home. The items posted will be donated over Family Day weekend in February.
Kindergarten Registration – Begins Monday January 20th at 8:30 am
It's hard to believe, but it is time for Kindergarten registration! If you have a child who is turning 5 in 2025 this is the time to sign them up for Kindergarten!
Registration opens on Monday January 20th at 8:30am. There is a lot of information and different ways to register, please see our website, for all this information. Please note there is an additional step if you are interested in Nature Kindergarten. Information for the Nature Kindergarten lottery which runs January 27th – 31st is also on our website.
Please spread the word around the community - the sooner families register, the better. It is very helpful having accurate numbers when we begin planning for next year. We are looking forward to welcoming the next class of Kindergarteners to Swift!
PAC News
A big thank you to everyone that generously donated to the Christmas Raffle Basket Fundraiser! We sold a lot of tickets, raised $2820, and had some very happy winners when they picked up the baskets! This money goes directly back to presentations, field trips, and so many things that benefit each student.
Show some Swift Spirit at an Abbotsford Canucks Game! Tickets available online where you can choose your seats! We have a reserved section for students, friends, and family. Visit the fundraising section of the PAC website for more information or click here to buy tickets.
Please join us at our next PAC Meeting on Tuesday January 14th @ 6pm in the library. We hope to see you there! Keep up to date with all things PAC at www.taswiftpac.com
Important Dates for the next 2 weeks – see calendar – for updates:
6 – First Day back – don’t forget to set your alarms!
14 – PAC Meeting @ 6:00
17 – Spirit Day – Jersey Day